CY 2021

Climate Change Adaptation Works (National Systems)
Sta. Lucia-Candon NIS Sta. Lucia                   6,500,000.00
Sta. Maria-Burgos NIS Sta. Maria                   6,500,000.00
Banaoang PIS Sto. Domingo                   6,500,000.00
Tagudin NIS Suyo                   6,341,000.00
Establishment of Groundwater Pump IP - Solar Power-Driven Pump Irrigation Projects
BUTIR PIP Santa Maria                   5,000,000.00
Establishment of Farmland GIS
Gaco NIS Cabugao                   1,051,934.00
Tagudin NIS Suyo                   1,061,114.00
Operation and Maintenance of National Irrigation System Pump Irrigations Systems
Ilocos Sur Transbasin Project, Ilocos Sur Quirino                  25,000,000.00
Operation and Maintenance of National Irrigation System Pump Irrigations Systems
Banaoang PIS San Ildefonso                  17,000,000.00
Repair of National Irrigation Systems
Banaoang PIS San Ildefonso                   4,371,000.00
Repair of Pump Irrigation Systems
Banaoang PIS Magsingal                   2,488,000.00
Banaoang PIS San Ildefonso                      884,000.00
Restoration of National Irrigation Systems
Banaoang PIS Vigan                   3,889,000.00
Improvement of Service Roads in National Irrigation Systems
Banaoang PIS Bantay                   2,009,000.00
Banaoang PIS San Vicente                   2,500,000.00
Sta. Maria-Burgos NIS Sta. Maria                   2,500,000.00
Small Irrigation Projects (SIP)
POBLACION-BALBALAYANG SIP Sugpon                  10,000,000.00
Small Reservoir Irrigation Projects (SRIP)
Gaco Small Reservoir Irrigation Project Cabugao                  50,000,000.00  
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Project - Irrigation Component (CARP - IC)
Sunggiam SPIP San Juan                   12,000,000.00